Source code for skippylab.instruments.oscilloscopes

Communicate with oscilloscope via vxi11 protocol over LAN network

import abc
import time
import numpy as np
import pylab as p
import vxi11
import re
import struct
from six import with_metaclass

from .. scpi import commands as cmd
from .. import loggers
from .. import plotting
from .. import tools

from copy import copy

bar_available = False

    import pyprind
    bar_available = True
except ImportError:

    # Python 2
    from itertools import izip
except ImportError:
    # Python 3
    izip = zip

from functools import reduce

# abbreviations
aarg = cmd.add_arg
q = cmd.query

TCmd = cmd.TektronixDPO4104BCommands
RSCmd = cmd.RhodeSchwarzRTO1044Commands

BIG_NUMBER = 1e25 # A number larger than the amount of captured samples

[docs]def setget(command): """ Shortcut to construct property object to wrap getters and setters for a number of settings Args: command (str): The command being used to get/set. Get will be a query value (str): The value to set Returns: property object """ return property(lambda self: self._send(q(command)),\ lambda self, value: self._set(aarg(command, value)))
[docs]class AbstractBaseOscilloscope(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """ A oscilloscope with a high sampling rate in the order of several gigasamples. Defines the scope API the DAQ reiles on """ # constants used by the socket connection MAXTRIALS = 5 CONTINOUS_RUN = cmd.RUN_CONTINOUS ACQUIRE_ONE = cmd.RUN_SINGLE string_encoding = cmd.ENCODING_ISO def __init__(self, ip="", loglevel=20): """ Connect to the scope via its socket server Args: ip (str): ip of the scope """ self.ip = ip self.connect_trials = 0 self.wf_buff_header = None # store a waveform header in case they are all the same self.instrument = vxi11.Instrument(ip) self.active_channel = None self.logger = loggers.get_logger(loglevel)
[docs] def reopen_socket(self): """ Close and reopen the socket after a timeout Returns: None """ self.logger.debug("Reopening socket on ip {}".format(self.ip)) self.instrument = vxi11.Instrument(self.ip)
def _send(self,command): """ Send command to the scope. Raises socket.timeout error if it had failed too often Args: command (str): command to be sent to the scope """ if self.connect_trials == self.MAXTRIALS: self.connect_trials = 0 raise vxi11.vxi11.Vxi11Exception("TimeOut") self.logger.debug("Sending {}".format(command)) try: response = self.instrument.ask(command, encoding=self.string_encoding) except Exception as e: self.reopen_socket() response = self.instrument.ask(command, encoding=self.string_encoding) self.connect_trials += 1 return response def _set(self, command): """ Send a command bur return no response Args: command (str): command to be send to the scope Returns: None """ self.logger.debug("Sending {}".format(command)) self.instrument.write(command, encoding=self.string_encoding)
[docs] def ping(self): """ Check if oscilloscope is connected """ ping = self._send(cmd.WHOAMI)"Scope responds to {} with {}".format(cmd.WHOAMI, ping)) return True if ping else False
# def run(self): # """ # Start data acquisition # # Returns: # None # """ # self.logger.debug("Starting data acquisition") # assert self.acquire_mode == cmd.RUN_CONTINOUS,\ # "Run is ment to use with continous acquisition!Set self.acquire_mode accordingly" # self.acquire = cmd.START_ACQUISITIONS # # def stop(self): # """ # Stop any ongoing data acquisition # # Returns: # None # """ # self.acquire = cmd.STOP_ACQUISITIONS # # def do_single_acquisition(self): # """ # Acquire a single event # # Returns: # None # """ # assert self.acquire == cmd.RUN_SINGLE, "Set scope to single acquistion mode first!" # return self.acquire_waveform() # # def do_single_acquisition_fast(self): # """ # Acquire a single event. FAST mode (no check) # # Returns: # # """ # return self.acquire_waveform() def __repr__(self): """ String representation of the scope """ ping = self._send(cmd.WHOAMI) return "<" + ping + ">"
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def select_channel(self, channel): """ Select a channel for the data acquisition Args: channel (int): Channel number Returns: None """ return
@abc.abstractproperty def samplingrate(self): """ Get the current sampling rate Returns: float (GSamples/sec) """ return
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def acquire_waveform(self): return
def __del__(self): """ Destructor, close connection explicitely. Returns: None """ self.instrument.close()
[docs]class Waveform(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """ A non-oscilloscope dependent representation of a measured waveform """ def __init__(self, header, raw_waveform): """ Args: header (dict): Metadata, like xs, units, etc. raw_waveform (np.ndarray/list): The voltage data for one or more wavefomrs """ self.header = header if not isinstance(raw_waveform, list): raw_waveform = [raw_waveform] = raw_waveform #@abc.abstractmethod #def convert(self): # pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def time_bins(self): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def volts(self): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def save(self): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def load(self): pass
# class TektronixWaveform(Waveform): # """ # A bundle of waveforms # """ # # def _convert_volts(self, waveform): # voltages = ((waveform - (np.ones(len(waveform)) * self.header["yoff"])) \ # * (np.ones(len(waveform)) * self.header["ymult"])) \ # + (np.ones(len(waveform)) * self.header["yzero"]) # return voltages # # def volts(self): # converted = [] # for waveform in # converted.append(self._convert_volts(waveform)) # # return converted #
[docs]class UnknownOscilloscope(AbstractBaseOscilloscope): """ Use for testing and debugging """
[docs] def select_channel(self, channel): raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
[docs] def samplingrate(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not Implemented!")
[docs] def acquire_waveform(self): raise NotImplementedError("Not Implemented!")
# getters/setters for the header
[docs]def get_header(self): if not self._header: response = self.send(TCmd.WF) self._header = self.decode_header(response) return self._header
[docs]def set_header(self, header): self._header = header
[docs]class TektronixDPO4104B(AbstractBaseOscilloscope): """ Oscilloscope of type DPO4104B manufactured by Tektronix """ # setget properties source = setget(cmd.SOURCE) data_start = setget(cmd.DATA_START) data_stop = setget(cmd.DATA_STOP) data_width = setget(TCmd.WF_BYTEWIDTH) waveform_enc = setget(cmd.WF_ENC) acquire = setget(cmd.RUN) acquire_mode = setget(TCmd.ACQUISITON_MODE) data = setget(cmd.DATA) trigger_frequency_enabled = setget(TCmd.TRIGGER_FREQUENCY_ENABLED) histbox = setget(cmd.HISTBOX) histstart = setget(cmd.HISTSTART) histend = setget(cmd.HISTEND) # FIXME make it a property binary_formats = {"RI": "!b"} # transform the binary format to something # which is understandable by the struct # module binary_header_pattern = re.compile("#(?P<bin_head>[0-9]*)") def __init__(self, ip, loglevel=20): AbstractBaseOscilloscope.__init__(self, ip, loglevel=loglevel) self.active_channel = TCmd.CH1 self._data_start_stop_buffer = (None, None) self.header = property(get_header, set_header) self.data_width = 1 # FIXME: future extension self._is_running = False self._acquisition_single = False # prepare the scope - use binary encoding by default #self.waveform_enc = cmd.ASCII self._set("DATa:ENCdg FAST")
[docs] def trigger_single(self): self.acquire_mode = cmd.RUN_SINGLE
[docs] def trigger_continuous(self): self.acquire_mode = cmd.RUN_CONTINOUS self.acquire = cmd.START_ACQUISITIONS
def _trigger_acquire(self): """ Acquire one single waveform Returns: None """ self.acquire = "ON"
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_header(response, return_last_index=False, absolute_timing=False): """ Parse a response searching for waveform header data Args: head (str): hopefully the result of some WAVFrm or similar command Keyword Args: return_last_index (bool): if True, also the last index of the header in the string will be returned absolute_timing (bool) : try to infer the absolute timeing (whatever that means) # FIXME! Returns: dict/tuple """ # create patterns pattern = '(?P<byteno>\d*);(?P<bitno>\d*);(?P<enc>\D*);(?P<bnform>\D*);(?P<bitor>\D*);' pattern += '(?P<wfid>[a-zA-Z0-9,./"\s]*);(?P<npoints>\d*);(?P<pointfmt>\D*);' pattern += '(?P<xunit>[A-Za-z0-9\"]*);(?P<xincr>[0-9\.E\-\+]*);(?P<xzero>[0-9\.E\-\+]*);(?P<ptoff>\d*);' pattern += '(?P<yunit>[A-Za-z0-9\"]*);(?P<ymult>[0-9\.E\-\+]*);(?P<yoff>[0-9\.E\-\+]*);' pattern += '(?P<yzero>[0-9\.E\-\+]*);' wfid_subpat = '"(?P<channel>[A-Za-z0-9]*),\s*(?P<cpling>[A-Za-z0-9\s]*),\s*' wfid_subpat += '(?P<vdiv>[A-Za-z0-9./]*),\s*(?P<hdiv>[A-Za-z0-9./]*),\s*' wfid_subpat += '(?P<points>[A-Za-z0-9./\s]*),\s*(?P<sampmode>[A-Za-z0-9./\s]*);?"' subregex = re.compile(wfid_subpat) regex = re.compile(pattern) parsed = header = {} if parsed is None: return header header.update(parsed.groupdict()) wfid_parsed =["wfid"]) if wfid_parsed is not None: header.pop("wfid") header.update(wfid_parsed.groupdict()) # now convert the fields for k in header: try: header[k] = np.float32(header[k]) except ValueError: #shouganei ne pass # get rid of extra " in units header["xunit"] = header["xunit"].replace('"', '') header["yunit"] = header["yunit"].replace('"', '') # also some are ints header["npoints"] = int(header["npoints"]) header["byteno"] = int(header["byteno"]) if absolute_timing: xs = np.ones(header["npoints"], dtype=np.float32)*header["xzero"] else: # relative timing? xs = np.zeros(header["npoints"], dtype=np.float32) # FIXME: There must be a better way for i in range(header["npoints"]): xs[i] += i*header["xincr"] header["xs"] = xs last_index = 0 if return_last_index: __, last_index = parsed.span(parsed.lastgroup) return header, last_index return header
[docs] def set_waveform_encoding(self, enc): """ Define the waveform encoding Args: enc: Returns: """ raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!")
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_ascii_waveform(response): """ Search the response for waveform data when in ascii format Args: response (str): Hopefully the result of a CURVE command or similar Returns: np.ndarray """ response = response.replace(";", "") # clean trailing ; data = np.fromstring(response, sep=",") return data
[docs] def decode_binary_waveform(self, response, header): """ Decaode a waveform in binary format. To do so, the header is required to know about the exact format. Args: response (str): Hopefully the response to some CURVE command or similar header (dict): A parsed waveform header Returns: np.ndarray """ bin_format = TektronixDPO4104B.binary_formats[header["bnform"]] # FIXME: should not be necessary if response.startswith(";"): response = response[1:] #split of header first bin_header = last_index = bin_header.span(bin_header.lastgroup)[1] endianess = "!" # msd first if header["bnform"].startswith("S"): endianess = "<" # little endian if header["byteno"] == 1: bin_format = endianess + "b" elif header["byteno"] == 2: bin_format = endianess + "h" else: raise ValueError("Unsupported binary format! Please check header!") buffer = struct.iter_unpack(bin_format, bytes(response[last_index:].encode(self.string_encoding))) dtype = np.int8 if header["byteno"] == 2: dtype = np.int16 data = np.array([i[0] for i in buffer], dtype=dtype) return data
[docs] def select_channel(self, channel): """ Select the channel for the readout Args: channel (int): Channel number (1-4) Returns: None """ assert 0 < channel < 5, "Channel value has to be 1-4" channel_dict = {1 : TCmd.CH1, 2: TCmd.CH2, 3: TCmd.CH3, 4: TCmd.CH4} self.source = channel_dict[channel] self.active_channel = channel_dict[channel]"Selecting channel {}".format(self.source)) return None
def _select_active_channel(self): """ Pick the channel which is intended to be used Returns: """ self.source = self.active_channel @property def samplingrate(self): """ The samplingrate in GSamples/S Returns: float """ self.logger.debug("Got samplingrate of {}".format(1./self.header["xincr"])) return 1./self.header["xincr"] @property def triggerrate(self): """ The rate the scope is triggering. The scope in principle provides this number, however we have to work around it as it does not work reliably Keyword Arguments: interval (int): time interval to integrate measurement over in seconds Returns: float """ self.logger.debug("The returned value is instantanious!\n " "For serious measurements, gather some statistics!") self.trigger_frequency_enabled = TCmd.ON freq = float(self._send(TCmd.TRIGGER_FREQUENCYQ)) return freq
[docs] def reset_acquisition_window(self): """ Reset the acquisition window to the maximum possible acquisition window Returns:In None """ self.data_start = 0 self.data_stop = BIG_NUMBER # temporarily set this to a big bogus number # this will result in the correct value for # "npoints" later self.set_acquisition_window(0, self.header["npoints"])
@property def time_binwidth(self): """ Get the binwidth of the time - that is sampling rate Returns: float """ return float(self.header["xincr"]) @property def waveform_bins(self): """ Get the time bin numbers for the waveform voltage data Returns: np.ndarray """ bins = np.linspace(int(self.data_start), int(self.data_stop),\ int(self.header["npoints"])) return bins @property def waveform_times(self): """ Get the time for the waveform bins Returns: np.ndarray """ return self.header["xs"] @property def histogram(self): """ Return a histogram which might be recorded by the scope """ start = self.histstart end = self.histend bincontent = self._send(cmd.HISTDATA) assert None not in [start,end,bincontent],\ "Try again! might just be a hickup {} {} {}".format(start,end,bincontent) bincontent = np.array([int(b) for b in bincontent.split(",")])# start = float(start) end = float(end) nbins = len(bincontent) if start > end: print ("Swapping start and end...") tmpstart = copy(start) start = end end = tmpstart del tmpstart print("Found histogram with {} entries from {:4.2e} to {:4.2e}".format(nbins,start, end)) l_binedges = np.linspace(start,end,nbins + 1)[:-1] r_binedges = np.linspace(start,end,nbins + 1)[1:] bincenters = r_binedges + (r_binedges - l_binedges)/2. return bincenters, bincontent
[docs] def acquire_waveform(self, header=None, return_digitizer_levels=False): """ Get the waveform data Keyword Args: header (dict): if header is None, a new header will be acquired return_digitizer_levels (bool): return the waveform data in digitizer levels, not volts. Saves space for storage, since int8 can be used for 1-bit representation. ..and there is no float8 for obvious reasons. Returns: np.ndarray """ if header is None: wf_response = self._send(TCmd.WF) header, last_index = self.decode_header(wf_response, return_last_index=True) wf_data = wf_response[last_index:] else: wf_data = self._send(TCmd.WF_NOHEAD) # explicitely save the last header self.header = header if self.waveform_enc == cmd.ASCII or self.waveform_enc == "ASC": waveform = self.decode_ascii_waveform(wf_data) else: waveform = self.decode_binary_waveform(wf_data, header) if return_digitizer_levels: return waveform waveform = self.convert_waveform(header, waveform) return waveform
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_waveform(header, waveform): # from the docs # Value in YUNit units = ((curve_in_dl - YOFf) * YMUlt) + YZEro waveform = ((waveform - (np.ones(len(waveform))*header["yoff"]))\ *(np.ones(len(waveform))*header["ymult"]))\ +(np.ones(len(waveform))*header["yzero"]) waveform = np.array(waveform, dtype=np.float32) print (waveform) return waveform
[docs] def set_acquisition_window(self, start, stop): """ Set the acquisition window in bin number Args: start (int): start bin stop (int): stop bin Returns: None """ self.data_start = start self.data_stop = stop self._data_start_stop_buffer = (start, stop)"Set acquisition window to {} - {}".format(self.data_start, self.data_stop))
[docs] def set_acquisition_window_from_internal_buffer(self): """ Use the internal buffer to set the data acquisition window. Might be necessary if the channel was switched in the meantime Returns: None """ self.data_start, self.data_stop = self._data_start_stop_buffer
[docs] def set_feature_acquisition_window(self, leading, trailing, n_waveforms=20): """ Set the acquisition window around the most prominent feature in the waveform Args: leading (float): leading ns before the most prominent feature trailing (float): trailing ns after the most prominent feature Keyword Args n_waveforms (int): average over n_waveforms to identify the most prominent feature Returns: None """ self.reset_acquisition_window() xs, avg = self.average_waveform(n=n_waveforms) wf_bins = self.waveform_bins abs_avg = abs(avg) feature_y = max(abs_avg) #feature_x = xs[abs_avg == feature_y] feature_x_bin = wf_bins[abs_avg == feature_y] bin_width = self.time_binwidth leading_bins = 1e-9*float(leading)/bin_width trailing_bins = 1e-9*float(trailing)/bin_width data_start = int(feature_x_bin - leading_bins) data_stop = int(feature_x_bin + trailing_bins) self.set_acquisition_window(data_start, data_stop) return None
[docs] def make_n_acquisitions(self, n,\ trials=20, return_only_charge=False,\ single_acquisition=True,\ return_digitizer_levels=False ): """ Acquire n waveforms Args: n (int): Number of waveforms to acquire Keyword Args: trials (int): Set breaking condition when to abort acquisition return_only_charge (bool): don't get the wf, but only integrated charge instead single_acquisition (bool): use the scopes single acquisition mode return_digitizer_levels (bool): return the waveform data in digitizer levels, not volts. Saves space for storage, since int8 can be used for 1-bit representation. ..and there is no float8 for obvious reasons. Returns: list: [wf_1,wf_2,...] """ wforms = list() acquired = 0 trial = 0 if bar_available: bar = pyprind.ProgBar(n, track_time=True, title='Acquiring waveforms...') if single_acquisition: self.trigger_single() else: self.trigger_continuous() wf_buff = 0 # get the first waveform wf_buff = self.acquire_waveform(return_digitizer_levels=return_digitizer_levels) n -= 1 while acquired < n: try: if single_acquisition: self.acquire = "ON" wf = self.acquire_waveform(header=self.header, return_digitizer_levels=return_digitizer_levels) # flatline test if (wf[0]*np.ones(len(wf)) - wf).sum() == 0: continue if (wf - wf_buff).sum() == 0: continue # test if scope just returned the # same waveform again if return_only_charge: if return_digitizer_levels: raise ValueError("Can not be done for digitizer levels! Need to convert to volts!") wf = tools.integrate_wf(self.header, wf) wf_buff = wf wforms.append(wf) acquired += 1 if bar_available: bar.update() except Exception as e: self.logger.critical("Can not acquire wf..{}".format(e)) trial += 1 if trial == trials: break if bar_available: print(bar) return wforms
[docs] def average_waveform(self,n=10): """ Acquire some waveforms and take the average Keyword Args. n (int): number of waveforms to average over Returns: tuple(np.array). xs, ys """ wf = self.make_n_acquisitions(n, single_acquisition=True) xs = self.waveform_times len_wf = [len(w) for w in wf] wf = [w for w in wf if len(w) == min(len_wf)] avg = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, wf)/n return xs, avg
[docs] def show_waveforms(self,n=5): """ Demonstration function: Will use pylab show to plot some acquired waveforms Keyword Args: n (int): number of waveforms to show Returns: None """ wf = self.make_n_acquisitions(n, single_acquisition=False) #head = self.wf_header() head = self.header for i in range(len(wf)): try: plotting.plot_waveform(head, wf[i]) except Exception as e: print(e)
[docs] def fill_buffer(self): """ Returns: """ self._wf_buff = self.acquire_waveform()
[docs] def pull(self, buff_header=True, use_buffered_acq_window=True, use_channel_info=True): """ Fit in the API for the DAQ. Returns waveform data Keyword Args: buff_header (bool): buffer the header for subsequent acquisition without changing the parameters of the acquistion (much faster) FIXME! Default value of this should be False, however requires DAQ API change use_buffered_acq_window (bool): set this flag to cache the length of the acquisition window internally so that it does not get resetted when switching channels use_channel_info (bool): select the channel on each submit Returns: dict """ user_error_msg = """ This pull method is designed to be used in single acquisition mode.""" assert self.acquire_mode == cmd.RUN_SINGLE, user_error_msg # FIXME: The buffer mechanism fails if this is the first # waveform at all. data = dict() if use_channel_info: self._select_active_channel() if use_buffered_acq_window: self.set_acquisition_window_from_internal_buffer() #while True: #if buff_header: # header = self. wf = self.acquire_waveform(buff_header=buff_header) #if (wf[0]*np.ones(len(wf)) - wf).sum() == 0: # continue # flatline test #elif (wf - self._wf_buff).sum() == 0: # self._wf_buff = wf # continue # test if scope just returned the # # same waveform again #else: # self._wf_buff = wf # break if buff_header: data.update(self._header_buff) else: data.update(self.wf_header()) data["waveform"] = wf return data
[docs]class RhodeSchwarzRTO1044(AbstractBaseOscilloscope): """ Made by Rhode&Schwarz, scope with sampling rate up to 20GSamples/s """ def __init__(self, ip): AbstractBaseOscilloscope.__init__(self,ip) self.active_channel = RSCmd.CH1 self.run_start_time = None
[docs] def select_channel(self, channel): """ Select the channel for the readout. Args: channel (int): Channel number (1-4) Returns: None """ channel_dict = {1: RSCmd.CH1, 2: RSCmd.CH2, 3: RSCmd.CH3, 4: RSCmd.CH4} self.active_channel = channel_dict[channel]
[docs] def acquire_waveform(self): """ Get the voltage values for a single waveform Returns: np.ndarray """ wf_command = aarg(self.active_channel,RSCmd.CURVE) raw_wf = self._send(wf_command) pairs = izip(*[iter(raw_wf.split(","))]*2) times, volts = [],[] for val in pairs: volts.append(float(val[1])) return np.array(volts)
@property def samplingrate(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def run(self): """ Start continuous acquisitions Returns: """ self._set(RSCmd.RUN) self.run_start_time = time.monotonic()
[docs] def stop(self): self._set(RSCmd.STOP)
[docs] def do_single_acquisition(self): self._set(RSCmd.SINGLE)
@property def triggerrate(self): """ Get the triggerrate of the scope Args: interval (float): measurement time in seconds to Returns: float """ nacq = self._send(RSCmd.N_ACQUISITONS) interval = time.monotonic() - self.run_start_time return float(nacq/interval)