Source code for skippylab.daq

Use the scope as a DAQ

from .instruments import oscilloscopes
from . import tools
from .scpi import commands as cmd
from . import plotting
from .loggers import get_logger

logger = get_logger(20)

import time
import re
import numpy as np
import pylab as p
    import zmq
except ImportError:
    logger.warning("No zmq available!")

from socket import timeout as TimeoutError
from datetime import datetime

bar_available = False

    import pyprind
    bar_available = True
except ImportError:
    logger.warning("No pyprind available")

    from functools import reduce
except ImportError:
    logger.warning("Can not import functools, this might be python 2.7?")

# helpers

[docs]class Event(object): """ DAQ will return events when triggered. """ def __init__(self, use_datetime=False): """ Keyword Args: use_datetime (bool): if True, give timestamp with datetime.datetime """ self.use_datetime = use_datetime = dict() self.timestamp = None
[docs] def timestamp_it(self): """ Give it a timestamp! Time in seconds Returns: None """ if self.use_datetime: self.timestamp = else: self.timestamp = time.monotonic()
[docs]class DAQ(object): """ A virtual DAQ using an oscilloscope """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize a new collector for instrument data """ self.channels = dict()
[docs] def register_instrument(self, instrument, label="instrument"): """ Register an instrument and assign a channel to it. Instruments must have a pull() method which allows to pull data from them at a certain event. Args: instrument (ducktype): needs to be configured already and must have a pull() method channel_name (int): identify the instrument under this registered channel Returns: None """ assert label not in self.channels.keys(),\ "Instrument with label {} already registered! Chose a different label".format(label) self.channels[label] = instrument
[docs] def acquire(self, *pullargs, **pullkwargs): """ Go through the instrument list and trigger their pull methods to build an event Keyword Args: **pullkwargs (dict): will be passed on the individual pull methods Returns: pyosci.Event """ event = Event() for key in self.channels.keys():[key] = self.channels[key].pull(*pullargs, **pullkwargs) return event
[docs] def acquire_n_events(self, n_events, trigger_hook=lambda x:x,\ trigger_hook_args=(None,), pull_args=(), pull_kwargs={}): """ Continuous acquisition. Acquires n events. Yields events. Use trigger hook to define a function to decide when data is returned. Args: n_events (int): Number of events to acquire trigger_hook (callable): Trigger condition trigger_hook_args (tuple): Arguments for the trigger condition Yields: Event """ if bar_available: bar = pyprind.ProgBar(n_events, track_time=True, title='Acquiring waveforms...') for __ in range(n_events): trigger_hook(*trigger_hook_args) if bar_available: bar.update() yield self.acquire(*pull_args, **pull_kwargs)