Source code for skippylab.instruments.powersupplies

Connection to power supply unit

import time

from . import oscilloscopes as osci
from ..scpi import commands as cmd
from .. import loggers

bar_available = False

    import pyprind
    bar_available = True
except ImportError:
    #logger.warning("No pyprind available")

    from plx_gpib_ethernet import PrologixGPIBEthernet
except ImportError as e:
    logger = loggers.get_logger(10)
    logger.warn('No plx_gpib_ethernet module installed')

setget = osci.setget
KCmd = cmd.KeysightE3631APowerSupplyCommands

q = cmd.query

[docs]class KeysightE3631APowerSupply(object): """ A low voltage power supply with two channels, +6V and +- 25V manufactured by Keysight. The power supply does not have an ethernet port, so the connection is done via GPIB and a prologix GPIB Ethernet connector """ output = setget(KCmd.OUTPUT) def __init__(self, ip="", gpib_address=5, loglevel=20): """ Connect to the power supply via Prologix GPIB connector Keyword Args: ip (str): IP adress of the Prologix GPIB connector gpib_address (int): The GPIB address of the power supply connected to the Prologix connector """ gpib = PrologixGPIBEthernet(ip) gpib.connect() self.logger = loggers.get_logger(loglevel) self.instrument = gpib self.P6 = KCmd.P6 self.P25 = KCmd.P25 self.N25 = KCmd.N25 def __del__(self): self.instrument.close() def _query(self, command): """ Send a command Args: command (str): Returns: str """ self.logger.debug("Querying {}".format(command)) return self.instrument.query(command) def _set(self, command): """ Send a command bur return no response Args: command (str): command to be send to the scope Returns: None """ #FIXME: Make AbstractInstrment class and inherit self.logger.debug("Sending {}".format(command)) self.instrument.write(command)
[docs] def ping(self): """ Check the connection Returns: str """ return self.instrument.query(cmd.WHOAMI)
@property def error_state(self): """ Read out the error register of the power supply Returns: str """ error = self.instrument.query(KCmd.ERROR_STATEQ) error = error.split(",") err_no = float(error[0]) return err_no, "".join(error[1:])
[docs] def select_channel(self, channel): """ Select either the +6, +25 or -25V channel Args: channel (str or int): Returns: None """ channel_dict = {1: self.P6, 2: self.P25, 3: self.N25} if isinstance(channel, int): assert channel in [1, 2, 3], "Channel has to be either 0:+6V, 1:+25V or 2: -25V" channel = channel_dict[channel] elif isinstance(channel, str): assert channel in (KCmd.P6, KCmd.P25, KCmd.N25),\ "Channel has to be in {}".format(KCmd.P6, KCmd.P25, KCmd.N25) else: raise ValueError("Channel has to be either str or int") self._set(KCmd.CHANNEL + " {}".format(channel)) return channel
[docs] def set_voltage(self, channel, voltage): """ Set the supplied voltage of a channel to the desired value Args: channel (str or int): voltage (float): Returns: None """ channel = self.select_channel(channel) if (channel == self.P6) and (voltage > 6.18): raise ValueError("6V Channel does not support {}".format(voltage)) self._set(KCmd.VOLT + " {}".format(voltage))
[docs] def off(self): """ Cut the power on all channels Returns: None """"Disabling power...") self.output = KCmd.OFF
[docs] def on(self): """ Enable power on all channels Returns: None """ self.logger.warning("Enabling power!!") # give the user time to hit Ctrl-C to abort safety_wait = 5 if bar_available: bar = pyprind.ProgBar(safety_wait, track_time=True, title='Powering on...') for i in range(safety_wait): time.sleep(1) if bar_available: bar.update() else: print ("Powering on in {}".format(safety_wait - i)) self.output = KCmd.ON
[docs] def measure_current(self, channel): """ Measure current on givven channel Args: channel (str): Returns: float """ command = q(KCmd.MEASURE + ":" + KCmd.CURRENT + ":" + KCmd.DC) command += " {}".format(channel) return float(self._query(command))